satellite imagery examined

to satellite imagery examined by Caucasus Heritage Watch, an academic organization documenting the fate of cultural heritage in the region. Other Armenian heritage sites have also been razed, in particular those that have stood in the way of Azerbaijan’s ambitious road-building projects, the organization has reported Despite the rapid constructio

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prospect remains unlikely

For those hoping Britain might rejoin the EU, the prospect remains unlikely. Negotiations would be lengthy, terms less favourable, and preparing the British public for a reversal would be impossible at this juncture. Moreover, the EU itself is evolving, likely to expand eastward and increase its budgetary demands. Instead, the idea of a multi-tier,

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and Cooperation Agreement

The UK’s relationship with the EU remains a politically polarising issue, with the public still reeling from the divisive rhetoric of the Brexit years. Currently, EU-UK ties are governed on the basis of the Trade and Cooperation Agreement of 2020 set during Boris Johnson’s tenure. The Labour government has adopted a cautious stance, pledging no

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cascading impacts worldwide

Despite the growth potential, several challenges persist in the realm of global trade in 2024. Supply chain vulnerabilities remain, with disruptions due to natural disasters, geopolitical conflicts, and technological failures occurring with increasing frequency. The reliance on global supply chains implies that disturbances in any one region can ha

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are carving out their niches

Emerging markets, particularly those within the BRICS group, are carving out their niches in global trade. The BRICS bloc, encompassing Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, is increasingly expanding its influence, often positioning itself as a counterbalance to Western-led organisations. These nations are forging alternative trade routes

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